Our qualified company secretaries combine practical experience with technical knowledge of relevant areas of regulation. We keep up-to-date with developments through our membership of professional groups. As a team, we are familiar with a wide range of industry sectors and services, understanding the specific needs of each.

Our company secretarial services include but are not limited to:

  • Incorporation for public and private limited and unlimited companies, branches of overseas entities and limited liability partnerships
  • Preparation of annual returns, annual general meeting minutes, filing of accounts and the maintenance of registers which each company must keep by law
  • Change of name, including ensuring the name is acceptable to the Registrar
  • Appointment and resignation of directors and secretary
  • Re organisations/reduction of share capital, reduction of share premium account
  • Share transfers, including payment of stamp duty and applications for relief of duty,
  • administration of share option schemes
  • Dissolutions and restorations
  • Company searches